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Response to Current Health Crisis

​Dear Friends,


Sunday Gatherings.  We are live-streaming Sunday services via Zoom at 10 a.m. Contact me at to receive a link. We also are gathering  in person with all due precautions for those who feel confident to do so. Masks and distancing observed. We are staying well under 20% capacity.


As usual, video recordings of each service are available by clicking "Video Recordings" above.


Thursday Enneagram Class is meeting via Zoom at 11.15 am. Contact Pastor John for more info. Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement is postponed until further notice.


Thursday food distribution continues for now. We make sandwiches that can be taken out, and have free groceries available. Please do not arrive before 12.45pm unless you are a volunteer.

We allow groups of 5 in at a time to collect food and depart the food area.

We strongly urge people with symptoms, underlying conditions, and quite natural concerns for their ability to endure contracting covid 19, to please stay away and self-quarantine. We will work with you to find a way to get food to you if you need it.


Please keep checking this site for updates. We realize Zion provides the support of family for many. Thanks for your understanding as we attempt to balance protection with the need for support.


Finally, please remember Zion in prayer and in offerings (as you are able, of course). Regardless of physical attendance on Sundays, please mail or electronically bill-pay your donations. And we will work to stay connected with you. We live, by grace, together, trusting the One who gives us life.


With Love,

Pastor John Marboe

651 238 6099

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